姓 名:李亮亮
学 历:博士研究生 职 称:讲师 院系部门:动物医学系(驴产业研究院) 专 业:分子病原学与免疫学 联系方式: E-mail: lifeiyang2007@126.com |
李亮亮,男,1985年9月生,中共党员,西北农林科技大学 预防兽医学博士,主要研究方向驴场和猪场常见病毒病的流行病学调查,筛选与呼吸与繁殖障碍相关的病毒,体外揭示病毒感染影响呼吸和繁殖障碍的致病机制。参与完成国家自然科学基金项目重点项目和青年项目“非肌肉肌球蛋白重链II-A介导猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒感染的分子机制”和“amiRNA 干扰 NMHC-IIA 对 PRRSV 感染细胞凋亡信号传导的影响及机制”,主持山东省自然科学基金青年基金1项,必威官方网西汉姆官方博士科研启动基金1项。目前已发表SCI学术论文10余篇。
2. PRRSV入侵易感细胞机制揭示。
1.Li L, Zhang L, Hu Q, Zhao L, Nan Y, Hou G, Chen Y, Han X, Ren X, Zhao Q, Tao H, Sun Z, Zhang G, Wu C, Wang J, Zhou EM. MYH9 Key Amino Acid Residues Identified by the Anti-Idiotypic Antibody to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Glycoprotein 5 Involve in the Virus Internalization by Porcine Alveolar Macrophages. Viruses. 2019, 29;12(1):40.(二区,IF=3.8)
2.Liangliang Li, Biyun Xue, Weiyao Sun, Guoqian Gu, Gaopeng Hou, Lu Zhang, Chunyan Wu, Qin Zhao,Yanjin Zhang, Gaiping Zhang, Julian A. Hiscox, Yuchen Nan * and En-Min Zhou *. Recombinant MYH9 Protein C-Terminal Domain Blocks Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Internalization by Direct Interaction with Viral Glycoprotein 5 . Antiviral research. 2018, 4. (二区, IF= “4.307”)
3.Liangliang Li, Chunyan Wu, Gaopeng Hou, Biyun Xue, Sha Xie, Qin Zhao, Yuchen Nan, Gaiping Zhang, and En-Min Zhou*.Generation of murine macrophage-derived cell linesexpressing porcine CD163 that porcine reproductive support and respiratory syndrome virus infection. BMC Biotechnol. 2017, 17(1):77 (二区,IF= “2.4149”)
4.Zhang A, Duan H, Zhao H, Liao H, Du Y, Li L, Jiang D, Wan B, Wu Y, Ji P, Zhou EM, Zhang G. Interferon-Induced Transmembrane Protein 3 Is a Virus-Associated Protein Which Suppresses Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Replication by Blocking Viral Membrane Fusion. J Virol. 2020 Nov 23;94(24):e01350-20. (top2区,IF= “4.631”)
5.Hou G, Xue B, Li L, Nan Y, Zhang L, Li K, Zhao Q, Hiscox JA, Stewart JP, Wu C, Wang J, Zhou EM. Direct Interaction Between CD163 N-Terminal Domain and MYH9 C-Terminal Domain Contributes to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Internalization by Permissive Cells. Front Microbiol. 2019 Aug 6;10:1815. (二区,IF= “4.231”)
6.Xue B, Hou G, Zhang G, Huang J, Li L, Nan Y, Mu Y, Wang L, Zhang L, Han X, Ren X, Zhao Q, Wu C, Wang J, Zhou EM. MYH9 Aggregation Induced by Direct Interaction With PRRSV GP5 Ectodomain Facilitates Viral Internalization by Permissive Cells. Front Microbiol.2019 Oct 9;10:2313. (二区,IF= “4.231”)
7.Yang Mu,Liangliang Li,Beibei Zhang,Baicheng Huang,Jiming Gao,Xiangpeng Wang,Chengbao Wang,Shuqi Xiao,Qin Zhao,Yani Sun,Gaiping Zhang,Julian A. Hiscox,En-Min Zhou*. Glycoprotein 5 of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus strain SD16 inhibits viral replication and causes G2/M cell cycle arrest, but does not induce cellular apoptosis in Marc-145 cells. Virology, 2015,484:136-145 (三区,IF= “3.321”)