姓 名:吕山花
学 历 :博士研究生 职 称:教授 院系部门:园林系 专 业:植物学 联系方式: Email : lvshanhua@lcu.edu.cn lvshanhua@foxmail.com |
吕山花,教授,硕士生导师,2006年于中科院植物所获理学博士学位,2015.4-2017.4美国肯塔基大学访问学者,必威官方网西汉姆官方农学院科研岗位先锋,2015年首批入选聊大百人计划。先后主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项、山东省自然科学基金项目1项,参与完成国家自然科学基金项目3项、山东省自然科学基金项目1项、山东省教育厅项目1项,已授权国家发明专利2项,正在申请专利3项。在Molecular plant、BMC plant biology、Plant methods、Frontiers in plant science等期刊发表多篇SCI文章,主要研究方向:(1)主要农作物高产、抗逆关键基因发掘及分子设计育种;(2)观赏植物花色、花型的分子设计育种。
1. 太行花B类MADS-box基因克隆及功能分析,国家自然科学基金青年基金(30800066),20万元,主持
2. 大豆无根瘤突变基因GmNN1的精细定位与图位克隆,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31271751),74万元,主持
3. 马铃薯青枯病菌突变体文库构建及致病相关基因的克隆,山东省自然科学基金(ZR2012CL16 and ZR2010CQ025),3万,主持
4. 小麦氮肥利用特性(K21LD43),5万,横向课题,中国农业科学院,主持
5. 大豆抗旱、耐盐优异基因挖掘及分子设计育种,必威官方网西汉姆官方科研基金(318012104),5万,主持
1.Li Q, Liu S, He X, Li H, Lyu S*, Fan Y*. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformation and establishment of CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing technology in Limonium bicolor. Agronomy, 2023, 13: 2244. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13092244
2.Wang XY, Teng C, Lyu K, Li QQ, Peng WT, Fan LJ, Lyu SH*, Fan YL*. Application of AtMYB75 as a reporter gene in the study of symbiosis between tomato and Funneliformis mosseae. Mycorrhiza, 2023, 33(3):181-185.DOI:10.1007/s00572-023-01110-y
3.Wang X#, Teng C#, Wei H, Liu S, Xuan H, Peng W, Li Q, Hao H, Lyu Q, Lyu S*, and Fan Y*. Development of a set of novel binary expression vectors for plant gene function analysis and genetic transformation. Front. Plant Sci. 2023, 13: 1104905, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1104905
4.Peng WT, Wang XY, Wei HT, Zhang ZM, Teng C, Li QQ, Lyu KD, Lyu SH*, and Fan YL*. A convenient, reliable, and directly visual selection marker for identifying transgenic lines of Solanum nigrum. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2023, 152: 369-375, doi: 10.1007/s11240-022-02413-2
5.Liu S, Wang XY, Li QQ, Peng WT, Zhang ZM, Chu PF, Guo SJ, Fan YL*, and Lyu SH*. AtGCS promoter-driven CRISPR/Cas9 highly efficiently generates homozygous/biallelic mutations in the transformed roots by Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation. Front. Plant Sci. 2022, 13: 952428, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.952428
6.Fan YL, Zhang XH, Zhong LJ, Wang XY, Jin LS, and Lyu SH*. One-step generation of composite soybean plants with transgenic roots by Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation. BMC Plant Biology. 2020, 20(1): 208
7.Fan Y*, Wang X, Li H, Liu S, Jin L, Lyu Y, Shi M, Liu S, Yang X, and Lyu S*. Anthocyanin, a novel and user-friendly reporter for convenient, non-destructive, low cost, directly visual selection of transgenic hairy roots in the study of rhizobia-legume symbiosis. Plant Methods. 2020, 16: 94
8.Fan Y*, Xu F, Zhou H, Liu X, Yang X, Weng K, Sun X, and Lyu S*. A fast, simple, high efficient and one-step generation of composite cucumber plants with transgenic roots by Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC). 2020, 141: 207-216
9.Guo C, Wang Y,Yang A, He J, Xiao C, Lv S, Han F, Yuan Y, Yuan Y,Dong X, Guo J, Yang Y, Liu H, Zuo N, Hu Y, Zhao K, Jiang Z, Wang X, Jiang T, Shen Y, Cao M, Wang Y, Long Z, Rong T, Huang L*, and Zhou S*. The Coix genome provides insights into Panicoideae evolution and papery hull domestication. Molecular Plant. 2020,13(2): 309-320
10.Fan Y#, Liu J#, Lyu S, Wang Q, Yang S, and Zhu H*. The soybean Rfg1 gene restricts nodulation by Sinorhizobium fredii USDA193. Front Plant Sci. 2017, 8: 1548
11.Zhou S, Lü S, Fu F, Lan H, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Tang Q, Wu Y. Over-expression of Sub1A, a submergence tolerance gene from rice, confers enhanced hypoxic stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco plants. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011,10(78)17934-17939
12.Lü S*, Fan Y, and Jin C. Overexpression of a Ran GTPase homologous gene, FaRan from tall fescue, in transgenic Arabidopsis. Biologia plantarum,2011, 55 (2): 331-334
13.Lü S, Fan Y, Liu L, and Meng Z*. Ectopic expression of TrPI, a Taihangia rupestris (Rosaceae) PI ortholog, causes modifications of vegetative plant architecture in Arabidopsis. Journal of plant physiology, 2010, 167: 1613-1621
14.Wang Y, Tian H, Du X, Lü S, Lu W, Chong K, and Meng Z*. Isolation and characterization of a putative class E gene from Taihangia rupestris. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2007, 49(3): 343-350
15.Lü S, Du X, Lu W, Chong K, and Meng Z*. Two AGAMOUS-like MADS-box genes from Taihangia rupestris (Rosaceae) reveal independent trajectories in the evolution of class C and class D floral homeotic functions. Evolution & development, 2007, 9(1): 92-104
1.可视化紫根报告基因载体构建及其应用 专利号ZL201910500960.7
2.一种以发根农杆菌介导的大豆毛状根诱导转化方法 专利号CN201910352893.9