姓 名:宋勇
学 历 :博士研究生 职 称:讲师 院系部门:智慧农业系 专 业:作物学 联系方式: Email : songyong@lcu.edu.cn |
1. 大豆种质资源搜集及抗逆性评价、抗逆基因挖掘鉴定、抗逆品种选育。
2. 根际微生物与大豆耐盐性互作机制研究。
3. 豆科植物表型数字化采集及分析。
1. CrATG8如何调控UV-B诱导的衣藻叶绿体蛋白的靶向降解。2021-01至2023-12,山东省自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,ZR2020MC034,在研,参与。
2. 基于优质蛋白加工的小麦大豆增产提效技术研究推广。2019-09至2022-08,山东省农业科技园区产业提升工程,2019YQ035,在研,参与。
3. 盐害土壤中的抗盐性菌类对大豆耐盐性的影响。2019-01至2021-12,必威官方网西汉姆官方博士科研启动基金,318051820,在研,主持。
1. Liuying Song, Yong Song, Rutao Liu and Qigui Niu. 《Biomethanization of chicken manure in mono-digestion through batch test: auto fluorescence characteristics, specific activity and kinetic analysis》, Waste Managemen, 2019, 83: 57-67.
2. Yong Song, Makie Kokubun, Takayuki Nakajima, Donghe Xu and Koki Homma. 《Na and K Distribution and Its Association with Salinity Tolerance in Salt-tolerant Soybean Genotypes》, Japanese Journal of Crop Science, 2018, 87(3): 265-266.
3. Yong Song, Takayuki Nakajima, Donghe Xu, Koki Homma and Makie Kokubun. 《Genotypic variation in salinity tolerance and its association with nodulation and nitrogen uptake in soybean》, Plant Production Science, 2017: 1-9.
4. Song, Y. et al. 《Genotypic variation in salinity tolerance in relation to nitrogen use efficiency in soybean》,The 243th Meeting of the Crop Science Society of Japan,March 29-30 2017, Tokyo, Japan,P-198.
5. Song, Y. et al. 《Genotypic variation in salinity tolerance among soybean genotypes and its association with nitrogen uptake capacity》,The 7th International Crop Science Congress (ICSC),August 14-19 2016,Beijing,China,P-079.
6. Song, Y. et al. 《Genetic variation in salinity tolerance among soybean genotypes and its association with N uptake and Na/Cl distribution in plant parts》, The 8th Asian Crop Science Association Conference (ACSAC8), September 23-25 2014 Hanoi,Vietnam.