
  姓    名:孙永旺
  学    历 :博士研究生
  职    称:讲师
  专       业:作物遗传育种
  Email : sunyongwang@lcu.edu.cn


孙永旺,男,1989年1月生,山东聊城人。博士,讲师。主要从事作物遗传育种和基因编辑方面的研究。在Frontiers in Plant Science、Postharvest Biology and Technology、Phytochemistry、Scientific Reports等学术刊物上发表研究论文5篇。




  1. 大豆、棉花、马铃薯等作物的遗传育种;
  2. 基因编辑技术在作物育种中的应用。




  1. Sun Y, Liang W, Shen W, Feng H, Chen J, Si Z, Hu Y, Zhang T. G65V substitution in actin disturbs polymerization leading to inhibited cell elongation in cotton. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10:1486-1501.
  2. Bai S#, Sun Y#, Qian M, Yang F, Ni J, Tao R, Li L, Shu Q, Zhang D, Teng Y. Transcriptome analysis of bagging-treated red Chinese sand pear peels reveals light-responsive pathway functions in anthocyanin accumulation. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 63-78.
  3. Sun Y#, Qian M#, Wu R, Niu Q, Teng Y, Zhang D. Postharvest pigmentation in red Chinese sand pears (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) in response to optimum light and temperature. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2014, 91: 64-71.
  4. Qian M#, Sun Y#, Allan A, Teng Y, Zhang D. The red sport of ‘Zaosu’ pear and its red-striped pigmentation pattern are associated with demethylation of the PyMYB10 promoter. Phytochemistry, 2014, 107: 16-23.
  5. Jiang S, Cai D, Sun Y, Teng Y. Isolation and characterization of putative functional long terminal repeat retrotransposons in the Pyrus genome. Mobile DNA, 2016, 7: 1-10.
  6. 孙永旺*, 李一政, 郭尚敬*. 大豆NRG2家族基因的鉴定、特征及表达模式. 分子植物育种, 2021.
  7. 李一政, 隋超, 郭尚敬, 孙永旺*. 大豆硬实性状研究进展. 江苏农业科学, 2021.

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