姓 名:胡文思 学 历:博士 职 称:讲师 院系部门:食品科学与工程 专 业:食品科学与工程 联系方式:E-mail: huwensi@lcu.edu.cn |
胡文思,1991年2月生,山东聊城人,2021年2月毕业于韩国国立庆尚大学自然科学学院食品系,获得理学博士学位,同年3月进入必威官方网西汉姆官方农学院工作。负责本科生《食品分析》课程的讲授。2011年3月-2021年 2月,在韩国学习期间参与功能性食品分析及开发,食品微生物分离及基因分析,微生物生物膜机制研究等科研项目。公开发表科研研究论文10余篇,其中SCI/EI收录4篇。
1.韩国国内以食品为媒介的产毒性Clostridium perfringens的分离分析及生物膜形成机制的研究
5.黑蒜,黑生姜发酵产品对于Propionibacterium acnes抗菌,抗炎症效果及抑制生物膜机制
[1] Hu WS, Woo DU, Kang YJ, et al. Biofilm and spore formation of Clostridium perfringens and its resistance to disinfectant and oxidative stress. Antibiotics, 2021, 10:396.
[2] Hu WS, Nam DM, Kim JS, et al. Synergistic anti-biofilm effects of Brassicaceae plant extracts in combination with proteinase K against Escherichia coli O157:H7. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 21090.
[3] Hu WS, Nam DM, Choi JY, et al. Anti-attachment, anti-biofilm, and antioxidant properties of Brassicaceae extracts on Escherichia coli O157: H7. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2019, 28: 1881-1890.
[4] Hu WS, Kim, H, Koo, OK, Molecular genotyping, biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance of enterotoxigenic Clostridium perfringens isolated from meat supplied to school cafeterias in South Korea. Anaerobe, 2018, 52: 115-121.
[5] Lee SJ, Hu WS, Lee EJ, et al. Polyphenolic profile of fermented Houttuynia cordata Thunb. and overall contribution to antioxidant and lipolytic activities. Food Engineering Progress, 2018, 22: 295-303.
[6] Hu WS, Lee SJ, Pyo JH, et al. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of Jerusalem artichoke composites in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Journal of Life Science, 2018, 28: 671-680.
[7] Lee SJ, Hu WS, Pyo JH, et al. Antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of Jerusalem artichoke composites containing Gynura procumbens, Momordica charantia, and Curcuma longa via AMPK Activation. Journal of Life Science, 2018, 28: 26-36.
[8] Hu WS, Kim JS, Lee SJ, et al. Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of beef jerky made with beef meat from the various origin. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science, 2017, 51: 163-174.
[9] Ha ES, Kim JS, Lee SJ, et al. Quality properties and antioxidant activities of hanwoo jerky added to bokbunja, arrowroot and green tea extract powder. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science, 2017, 51: 105-118.
[10] Lee SJ, Hu WS, Chung JI, et al. The quality characteristics of low raffinose and stachyose (LRS) soybean cultivars and their tofu. Journal of Life Science, 2017, 27: 1299-1307.
[11] Lee SJ, Oh SJ, Chung JI, et al. Effect of Doenjang made with lipoxygenase-free genotypes soybean on the lipid improvement and antioxidant enzyme activity in rat fed a high fat-cholesterol diet. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science, 2016, 50: 189-204.
[12] Lee SJ, Ha ES, Hu WS, et al. Comparison of quality characteristics and antioxidant activity in loin meat of imported beefs and organic hanwoo. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science, 2016, 50: 149-163.
[13] Lee SJ, Kim IS, Hu WS, et al. Quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of Doenjang made from lipoxygenase-free genotypes soybeans. Journal of Agriculture & Life Science, 2016, 45: 35-43.